We are proud to be celebrating Refugee Week 2022. We have been celebrating Refugee Week by attending the British Red Cross Event in Jubilee Square on 18/06/22.
Pictured: Izzy – Recovery Worker and Steve – Volunteer
During this week we should be having conversations around the topic of refugee week and this years theme of healing to bring awareness to this topic. Healing is the ability for an individual to recover from a painful, traumatic or uncomfortable experience or situation so they can continue to live. Refugees have this ability as many have had to move country leaving behind everything they knew, loved and a sense of belonging. With many refugees having to rebuild from scratch, their ability to heal is something some people can only imagine.
Individuals can become refugees for a number of reasons including:
- Persecution based on race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group or political opinion
- War
- Ethnic or political violence
Who are refugees?
A refugee is a person who has fled their own country because they are at risk of serious human rights violations and persecution and their own government cannot/will not protect them. Refugees have a right to international protection.
In 2012, the number of refugees spiked globally and we are now in a global refugee crisis. In response to this, refugee camps have been created to provide individuals with immediate aid and protection including clean water, food and hygiene supplies. Globally, we should be more accepting of refugees into communities as their ability to heal and their drive to start a new life can be extremely inspirational to people. Further, the introduction of different people from different countries into communities can help to strengthen communities by making them diverse and flexible to adapt to our ever-changing world. With this in mind, refugees can be influential and inspiring within many different areas of life including arts, science, politics and technology to name a few. Refugees can have an immense positive impact on the communities they are introduced to.
Within this week the organisers of the Refugee Week have promoted a few simple acts that you can do to make a stand with our refugees and to make new connections within our communities. One small simple act can make a huge difference. We encourage you to try some of these small acts throughout Refugee Week but we further encourage you to do these small acts throughout the year to support, promote and celebrate our refugees.
How Leicester Life Links support Refugees:
- Provide workshops and presentations to refugees on mental health awareness with an interpreter
- Partner with the City of Sanctuary to better manage refugee mental health by providing drop-in sessions at the City of Sanctuary
- Support refugees on a 1:1 basis with interpreters
- Signpost and navigate to specific refugee organisations
- Use translated resources into their first language to support them in the best way possible
- Increase staff awareness on refugees and the best way to support them
- Regular network meetings and communication with the British Red Cross, Assist Practice and City of Sanctuary.
As part of Refugee Week 2022 during our Creative Links Peer Support Group we used the simple acts as a mindful colouring activity as well as starting conversations about how we can support refugees. See below some of the creations…
Additionally, to raise awareness within the office and to start conversations about Refugee Week 2022 we have dedicated an area to promote this week. See below our celebration of Refugee Week 2022…
Finally, we hope that we have encouraged you to raise awareness, start conversations or complete a simple act in support and celebration of Refugee Week 2022.
See below a link to our self-help tab for organisations who specifically support refugees in their journey to continue healing.
Click here to be directed to our self help refugee and asylum seekers page